Hi Axel and Sean,

I've wrote a small and ugly Python script which somewhat "parses" (setq
*-packages [...]) declarations from Spacemacs source code and
(currently) creates a list of dictionaries with package names as keys
and booleans (representing built-in status of a given package as defined
in Spacemacs source code) as values. You can find it in my repository [0].

If you find the script somehow useful, feel free to contribute and/or
comment on it. For example, I'm not sure about the format of output. And
should it be the output for the whole Spacemacs source code without
duplicates, or a bunch of separate outputs for each packages.el file?

By the way, I think I've spotted that possibly not all packages are
declared in the mentioned declarations. So, I also plan to write
functions to "parse" (use-package `pkg-name' [...]) declarations in
Spacemacs source code.


[0] https://github.com/dogsleg/spacemacs-pkgs

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