On Tue, 2017-02-14 at 15:09 +0000, Dimitri John Ledkov wrote:

> I probably do not understand this correctly, but isn't a
> pre-configured card usable by any Linux install for e.g. accelerated
> zlib compression and decompression.
> As in this package is not useless without the Altera toolchain, and
> enables software to execute algorithms with hardware acceleration -
> isn't it not dissimilar to e.g. openssl engines or mesa? and thus can
> live in main?
> Or does one supposed to upload bitstream onto the cards on every boot?
> Like e.g. non-free/intel-microcode package?

It wasn't clear from the ITP what the situation was, but I guess main
sounds reasonable if there is no FPGA bitstream being compiled during
the package build.



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