Package: wnpp
Severity: normal

I'm orphaning all of my packages in Debian because I have decided to
move onto other endevours and I don't think that I will have the time
to give my packages the attention they deserve.

It's been great being part of Debian and I still remain an enthusiastic

The description reads:

Created by Frédérique Guilhot, this library consists of a collection
of "chapters" spanning most of the geometry taught in French high

The first part "2-3 dimensional affine geometry" deals with formalising:

 points, vectors, barycenters, oriented lengths
 collinearity, coplanarity
 parallelism and incidence of straight lines
 proofs of Thales and Desargues theorems.

In the second part "3 dimensional affine geometry", theorems about
these things are proven:

 relative positions of two straight lines in the space
 relative positions of a straight line and a plane
 relative positions of two planes
 parallelism and incidence properties for several planes and straight

The third part "2-3 dimensional euclidean geometry" deals with

 scalar product, orthogonal vectors, and unitary vectors
 Euclidean distance and orthogonal projection on a line
 proofs of Pythagorean theorem, median theorem

The fourth part "space orthogonality" deals with formalising:

 orthogonal line and plan

The fifth part "plane euclidean geometry" deals with formalising:

 affine coordinate system, orthogonal coordinate system, affine
coordinates oriented angles
 proofs of Pythagorean theorem, median theorem, Al-Kashi and sine
theorems perpendicular bisector, isocel triangle, orthocenter
 circle, cocyclicity, tangency (line or circle tangent)
 signed area, determinant
 equations for straight lines and circles in plane geometry

The sixth part "plane transformations", deals with formalising:

 translations, homothety
 rotations, reflexions
 composition of these transformations.
 conservation of tangency for these transformations.

In the seventh part "applications", these are proven:

 Miquel's theorem, orthocenter theorem, Simson line
 circle power and plane inversion
 Euler line theorem and nine point circle theorem

The eighth part "complex numbers", deals with formalising:

 the field properties of complex numbers
 application to geometry of complex numbers

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