Package: wnpp
Severity: wishlist

* Package name    : libkiwix
  Version         : 1.0
  Upstream Author : Emmanuel Engelhart <>, Matthieu
Gautier <>
* URL             :
* License         : GPL
  Programming Lang: C++
  Description     : Kiwix ( underlying library.

The Kiwix library provides high level functions (bookmarking, fulltext
search engine, content management, content reading) to enjoy ZIM files
( To do that, the Kiwix library relies on many
third part libraries which are - all - allready packaged in Debian.

This package is a pre-requisite to the packaging of kiwix-tools (with
Kiwix HTTP server kiwix-serve) and Kiwix(-desktop) which already has
been asked for here:

In general the -dev version of libkiwix will allow any developer to
easily write a software to read ZIM flies (

Debian developer Vasudev/Copyninja
(uid=vasudev,ou=users,dc=debian,dc=org) has already volunteered to
work on this RFP. One time implemented this package should IMO be
maintained within the DebianEdu team.

Kiwix - Wikipedia Offline & more
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