On Fri, 2017-03-17 at 21:58 +0800, Ying-Chun Liu (PaulLiu) wrote:

> Sorry forgot to mention my plan.
> Currently we have some libomxil-bellago* in Debian.
> I plan to package gst-omx by using update-alternatives on
> libgstomx.so and /etc/xdg/gstomx.conf on different configs.

Bellagio is a rather useless OpenMAX implementation and for all the
codecs it provides (which are software based), there are better native
GStreamer plugins available.

> So my plan is to have the following binary packages:
>  * gstreamer1.0-omx-generic: contains libgstomx-generic.so (build
> with
> generic target) and with the lowest priority for libgstomx.so
>  * gstreamer1.0-omx-generic-bin: usr/bin/listcomponents (I think we
> don't need to alternate this right? as it only reads the component
> names
> of openmax IL).

I wouldn't install that one, it's more a debugging tool and also
probably should be renamed to gst-omx-listcomponents instead otherwise.

Maybe put it into /usr/doc :)

>  * gstreamer1.0-omx-generic-config: contains
> /etc/xdg/gstomx-generic.conf which is an empty config and provides
> /etc/xdg/gstomx.conf with lowest priority.
>  * gstreamer1.0-omx-bellagio: contains libgstomx-bellagio.so (build
> with
> bellagoi target) and with the mid priority for libgstomx.so. This
> package will be set priority: extra.
>  * gstreamer1.0-omx-bellagio-config: contains
> /etc/xdg/gstomx-bellagio.conf modify with current Debian
> libomxil-bellagio path. And provides /etc/xdg/gstomx.conf with mid
> priority. This package will be set priority: extra.
> Do you think this is good?
> I tried to build RPi but it needs to Build-Depends on proprietary
> headers so I'm not going to build it.
> For RPi they can use update-alternatives to override libgstomx.so.
> Please give me more comments if this is possible. Thank you very
> much.

Generally this approach seems sensible. You make a generic package and
then have update-alternatives for selecting between the different ones.

The main problem here is that on a generic system you don't have any
useful OpenMAX IL implementation. Bellagio is not useful. So only
specific variants for different hardware devices would seem useful.

I guess on ARM you could make a generic build, for many OpenMAX IL
implementations only a configuration file is needed and not a custom

Hope this helps somehow :) I'm not sure what the best to do here is,
that's why I didn't consider packaging it myself. IMHO that's the job
of whoever does the distribution for a specific piece of hardware.


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