May 2, 2017 9:58 AM, "Gunnar Wolf" <> wrote:
> Hi Daniel,
> I'm interested in looking at your package. When it's ready and when
> you need a sponsor, mail me!

Hi Gunnar,

I've finished putting together a preliminary version of the package, but I
have a few concerns about it.

The largest one is that the build system is NodeJS-based, and requires a
version of npm newer than the one currently in Debian. Bugs #857986 and #794890
have some details about npm's issues. Installing nodejs from its official
repository works, as does building on Ubuntu.

Secondly, the build system has the usual issue with NodeJS packaging; it
downloads dependencies at runtime. Most of the packages don't exist in Debian
or are out of date, and I found several existing packages doing this while
looking for a better solution, so I'm not sure how much of an issue this is.
This only occurs at build-time, and nodejs isn't required to use the software.

Finally, the upstream source contains several embedded libraries. I was able to
swap a few of them for existing packages in Debian, but there are a few PHP
libraries that don't have existing packages. The JavaScript libraries are
amalgamated into a single file at build-time, and separating them out would be
a non-trivial amount of work for decreased performance. Again, I found several
existing packages doing this, so I'm not sure how much of a problem it is.
Upstream provided sources for most, I added the few missing to satisfy lintian.

I've uploaded the package to mentors:
Please review it when you have a chance, and let me know if there's anything I
need to fix!

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