On Thu, Jun 15, 2017 at 04:17:34PM +0200, Karsten Merker wrote:
> You write "License: GPL-3", but according to the description,
> this is only a downloader script that downloads a precompiled
> binary from somewhere else.  Under which license is the actual
> application code available?  Why isn't the actual application
> packaged for Debian instead?

The sogoupinyin itself is licensed non-free. But the package is a
installer which is licensed under GPL-3. And this package will not be
included in main section, contrib instead.

I admits that the url in this ITP is some misleading. This installer
script is available at

> What does "is backed with search engine technology" mean in
> detail?  Does the application send all user input to an online
> service to to do the actual transliteration work?  If yes, I
> would consider that unsuitable for an inclusion into Debian
> on privacy grounds.

Yes, people will be promoted by debconf to accept a license which
indicates this privacy concerns during preinst stage.

Shengjing Zhu

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