On Mon, 26 Jun 2017 21:14:31 -0400 Justin Gerhardt <jus...@gerhardt.link> wrote:
> I have reached out to the developers in regards to licensing. The response
> I received via email was this: "Redistributing our headless is fine, As
> long as you include a notice that all the program data and binaries still
> belong to us". I have asked that this be included on the website or in the
> tar ball yesterday but have not received a response. If it is necessary I
> can publish the email with  the dkim header demonstrating it was signed by
> the factorio.com domain. I believe this should be sufficient for
> distribution of the complete binary in the non-free repo.

It would indeed be best if factorio copyright holders publish a statement
allowing redistributions themselves. Either via the tarball they distribute
(preferred) or on their website.

The second best option is to add an email (with most headers intact) of a
conversation that you had with the copyright holders to your Debian package.
Just make a file debian/copyright-email.txt and refer to it from

Though at the very least you should have an email with the clear notice that
they want you to include. Saying "just include a notice" says very little. You
should have an email that explicitly says something along the lines of:

The factorio copyright holders hereby permit redistribution of the unmodified
tarball by third parties. Copyright is [the company] and all rights are

Or something like that.


cheers, josch

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