Control: retitle -1 RFP: privacy-badger -- web browser plug-in that blocks 
spying ads and invisible trackers

On 13-May-2014, Daniel Kahn Gillmor wrote:
> * Package name    : xul-ext-privacy-badger

This will be a good name for a Debian binary package of the browser

The source package, though, should be named closer to the upstream's
name for the code base; I am re-titling this RFP to a request for the
source package ‘privacy-badger’.

The latest version upstream is “2017.6.13.1”, released 2017-06-13.

 \       “Repetition leads to boredom, boredom to horrifying mistakes, |
  `\       horrifying mistakes to God-I-wish-I-was-still-bored, and it |
_o__)              goes downhill from there.” —Will Larson, 2008-11-04 |
Ben Finney <>

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