Processing commands for [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

> # Please note: I am retitling WNPP bugs here, because they don't conform
> # to the guidelines mentioned at or
> # because they're lacking descriptions etc... I do not intend to
> # adopt/orphan/ITP/whatever any package!
> retitle 146459 RFA: cocoon -- Web development framework
Bug#146459: RFA: cocoon - Web development framework.
Changed Bug title.

> retitle 158467 ITA: coriander -- Control IEEE1394 digital cameras
Bug#158467: ITA: coriander
Changed Bug title.

> retitle 158474 RFA: libjpeg-mmx -- A JPEG library with MMX optimization
Bug#158474: RFA: libjpeg-mmx
Changed Bug title.

> retitle 162060 ITA: qcl -- A Language for quantum computers
Bug#162060: ITA:  qcl - A Language for quantum computers
Changed Bug title.

> retitle 167467 O: gnudip -- Scripts to enable a server to provide dynamic IP 
> to name mappings
Bug#167467: O: gnudip - Scripts to enable a server to provide dynamic IP to 
name mappings
Changed Bug title.

> retitle 174771 O: gimp-freetype -- Freetype based text plug-in for Gimp 1.3
Bug#174771: wnpp: O: gimp-freetype - text plug-in for The Gimp 1.3 based on 
Changed Bug title.

> retitle 182649 ITP: grcm -- Gnome remote connection manager
Bug#182649: ITP: grcm - Gnome Remote Connection Manager
Changed Bug title.

> retitle 180993 RFA: phpgroupware -- A web based groupware system written in 
Bug#180993: RFA: phpgroupware
Changed Bug title.

> retitle 182578 RFA: libdbmusic -- A music library needed by kmusicdb
Bug#182578: RFA: libdbmusic - the libdbmusic, needed by kmusicdb
Changed Bug title.

> retitle 181509 ITA: epic4-script-thirdeye -- A script for the EPIC IRC client
Bug#181509: ITA: epic4-script-thirdeye
Changed Bug title.

> retitle 182576 RFA: kmusicdb -- A PostgreSQL based music collection manager
Bug#182576: RFA: kmusicdb - A music collection manager to PostgreSQL
Changed Bug title.

> retitle 182650 ITP: porn-get -- A pornographic package management system
Bug#182650: ITP: porn-get - A pornographic package management system.
Changed Bug title.

> retitle 182987 ITA: snes9express -- A GTK+ frontend for snes9x
Bug#182987: ITA: snes9express - a GTK+ frontend to snes9x
Changed Bug title.

> retitle 182988 ITP: visualboyadvance -- SDL based Gameboy Advance emulator
Bug#182988: ITP: visualboy advance - Gameboy/Gameboy Advance emulator using SDL
Changed Bug title.

> retitle 183120 ITP: ruby1.8 -- Next stable version of the Ruby programming 
> language
Bug#183120: ITP: ruby1.8 - next stable version of Ruby
Changed Bug title.

> retitle 184261 ITP: libtie-dxhash-perl -- The Perl module Tie::DxHash
Bug#184261: ITP: libtie-dxhash-perl
Changed Bug title.

> retitle 183197 O: megahal -- A conversation simulator that can learn as you 
> talk to it
Bug#183197: O: megahal
Changed Bug title.

> retitle 183320 RFP: rtlab -- Data acquisition experiment interface software
Bug#183320: RFP: RTLab, data acquisition experiment interface software
Changed Bug title.

> retitle 184392 ITA: pysol-sound-server -- Sound server for PySol
Bug#184392: ITA: pysol-sound-server
Changed Bug title.

> retitle 184656 RFA: frox -- A transparent caching FTP proxy
Bug#184656: RFA: frox
Changed Bug title.

> retitle 184670 ITA: epic -- Modified ircII client with additional 
> functionality
Bug#184670: ITA: epic
Changed Bug title.

> retitle 68192 RFP: pikt -- Problem informant/killer tool
Bug#68192: RFP: pikt - Problem informant/killer tool
Changed Bug title.

> retitle 88327 RFP: new-pinepgp -- GPG and PGP support for pine
Bug#88327: RFP: new-pinepgp - GPG and PGP support for pine
Changed Bug title.

> retitle 136076 ITP: anjuta2 -- GNOME2 version of the Anjuta IDE
Bug#136076: ITP: Anjuta2 - GNOME2 version of Anjuta IDE
Changed Bug title.

> retitle 138190 ITP: mozilla-enigmail -- GPG extension for mozilla
Bug#138190: ITP: mozilla-enigmail - gpg extension for mozilla
Changed Bug title.

> retitle 183727 ITP: libpam-dotfile -- A PAM module which allows users to have 
> more than one password for a single account, each for a different service
Bug#183727: ITP: libpam-dotfile
Changed Bug title.

> retitle 141381 ITP: olena -- Generic image processing library
Bug#141381: ITP: olena - generic image processing library
Changed Bug title.

> retitle 142403 RFP: tcl8.4-html-doc -- Tcl/Tk HTML manuals
Bug#142403: RFP: tcl/tk html manuals
Changed Bug title.

> retitle 146456 ITP: opensrs-sf -- Extended SourceForge version of the OpenSRS 
> client
Bug#146456: ITP: opensrs-sf - OpenSRS client code, extended sourceforge version
Changed Bug title.

> retitle 149893 ITP: blackpenguin -- An arcade style jump-on-cubes game
Bug#149893: ITP: Black Penguin - a Q*Bert alike game
Changed Bug title.

> retitle 150759 ITP: sopwith -- A flying game
Bug#150759: ITP: sopwith -- 
Changed Bug title.

> retitle 151036 ITP: scheme-srfi -- Scheme Requests for Implementation
Bug#151036: ITP: Scheme Requests for Implementation
Changed Bug title.

> retitle 183553 RFP: hyadan -- A steganographic tool to hide messages in i386 
> executables
Bug#183553: RFP: hyadan a Steganographic tool to hide messages in i386 
Changed Bug title.

> retitle 152580 ITP: libproc-invokeeditor-perl -- A simple API to calling an 
> external text editor from Perl
Bug#152580: ITP: libproc-invokeeditor-perl - Perl extension for starting
Changed Bug title.

> retitle 152842 ITP: oggdoctor -- An advanced Vorbis tag editor
Bug#152842: ITP: oggdoctor - An advanced Vorbis tag editor
Changed Bug title.

> retitle 155872 ITP: everything -- Modular MySQL/mod_perl web engine
Bug#155872: ITP: everything - Modular MySQL/mod_perl web engine
Changed Bug title.

> retitle 155877 ITP: maim -- Ncurses based instant message client
Bug#155877: ITP: maim - GPL text-mode instant message client
Changed Bug title.

> retitle 155878 ITP: libtest-mockobject-perl -- Perl extension for emulating 
> troublesome interfaces
Bug#155878: ITP: libtest-mockobject-perl - Perl extension for emulating 
troublesome interfaces
Changed Bug title.

> retitle 158552 RFP: zodb -- A powerful and easy-to-use object persistence 
> system for Python
Bug#158552: RFP: Standalone ZODB 
Changed Bug title.

> retitle 156783 RFP: GASP -- Generator and analyzer system for protocols
Bug#156783: RFP: GASP - Generator and Analyzer System for Protocols
Changed Bug title.

> retitle 158701 RFP: aspell-se -- Swedish dictionary for aspell
Bug#158701: RFP: aspell-se - Swedish dictionary for aspell
Changed Bug title.

> retitle 182307 ITP: kitchensync -- PDA sync tool for KDE
Bug#182307: ITP: kitchensync: PDA sync tool for KDE
Changed Bug title.

> retitle 160140 ITP: cack -- English sentence generator
Bug#160140: ITP: cack - English sentence generator
Changed Bug title.

> retitle 164057 ITP: gkrellongrun2 -- LongRun plug-in for GKrellM2
Bug#164057: ITP: gkrellongrun2 - LongRun plug-in for GKrellM2
Changed Bug title.

> retitle 166461 ITP: glfer -- QRSS/DFCW signal transmitter/receiver
Bug#166461: ITP: glfer - QRSS/DFCW signal transmitter/receiver
Changed Bug title.

> retitle 168166 ITP: phpbb -- A scalable and highly customizable bulletin board
Bug#168166: ITP:phpbb -- a high powered, fully scalable, and highly 
customisable open-source bulletin board package
Changed Bug title.

> retitle 168589 ITP: xfuse -- A ZX Spectrum and TC2048 emulator
Bug#168589: ITP: xfuse - a ZX Spectrum and TC2048 emulator
Changed Bug title.

> retitle 168590 ITP: lib765 -- An emulation of the uPD765a floppy drive 
> controller
Bug#168590: ITP: lib765 - an emulation of the uPD765a floppy drive controller
Changed Bug title.

> retitle 168591 ITP: libdsk -- A library for accessing disks and disk images
Bug#168591: ITP: libdsk - a library for accessing disks and disk images
Changed Bug title.

> retitle 182212 ITP: ttf-bitstream-vera -- A family of free TrueType fonts
Bug#182212: ITP: ttf-bitstream-vera
Changed Bug title.

> retitle 171480 ITP: tvtime -- A high quality television application
Bug#171480: ITP: tvtime - A high quality television application
Changed Bug title.

> retitle 181442 ITP: mrtg-rrd -- A script for generating graphs for MRTG 
> statistics
Bug#181442: ITP: mrtg-rrd - The script for generating graphs for MRTG statistics
Changed Bug title.

> retitle 172411 ITP: libspectrum -- A library which provides high-level 
> support for the ZX Spectrum emulator files
Bug#172411: ITP: libspectrum - provides high-level support for ZX Spectrum 
emulator files
Changed Bug title.

> retitle 178332 ITP: dnstop -- Displays various tables of DNS traffic
Bug#178332: ITP: dnstop - displays various tables of DNS traffic
Changed Bug title.

> retitle 173061 ITP: titan -- Security tools for hardening and auditing UNIX 
> systems
Bug#173061: ITP: Titan - security hardening and audit 
Changed Bug title.

> retitle 178287 ITP: mas -- Media application server
Bug#178287: ITP: MAS - Media Application Server
Changed Bug title.

> retitle 177749 ITP: pmccabe -- C/C++ McCabe-style code complexity analyzer
Bug#177749: ITP: pmccabe - C/C++ McCabe-style code complexity analyzer
Changed Bug title.

> thanks
Stopping processing here.

Please contact me if you need assistance.

Debian bug tracking system administrator
(administrator, Debian Bugs database)

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