Hi Marc,

Thank you for taking the time to review this package.  For the
purposes of the RFS I'm requesting commit: 38ced3f on the experimental
branch.  I've deleted all old uploads on mentors to remove any

On Tue, Sep 26, 2017 at 04:54:13PM +0200, Marc Haber wrote:
> On Sat, Sep 23, 2017 at 06:45:24PM -0400, Nicholas D Steeves wrote:
> > Sorry for the non-functional upstream sources when building with gbp.
> > I just noticed that today and have fixed it.  I've pushed to the
> > experimental branch of the git repo.  I've also enabled the systemd
> > timer by default in experimental.
> Is it intended that the daemon doesn't get reloaded on package
> installation and that btrfsmaintenance-refresh needs to be started
> manually?

For the packaging on the master branch, yes.  For the packaging on the
experimental branch the service is started after the package is

> Some short comments.
> - if the scripts are intended to be called manually as well, they should
>   live in /usr/[s]bin, and not in /usr/share

I guess it would be possible to maintain a patch for each of *.sh that:
- . $(dirname $(realpath $0))/btrfsmaintenance-functions
+ . /usr/share/btrfsmaintenance/btrfsmaintenance-functions

That said, I believe that the primary purpose of the scripts is
automation and that they are not intended to be called manually.
There is currently a pull request (
https://github.com/kdave/btrfsmaintenance/pull/36 ) for enhanced
systemd support.  After that, or something similar is merged I believe
that the recommended way to manually trigger something will be as a
oneshot systemd maintenance job.  I think the concept behind
btrfsmaintenance is as follows: Configure it once, then forget about
btrfs-related maintenance tasks.

> - Can I tell the scripts "do your operation on _this_ btrfs file system,
>   and do it now", or do they only operate on file systems that are in
>   /etc/fstab?

At this time, btrfsmaintenance is not general-purpose convenience
wrapper around the btrfs balance, defrag, and scrub commands.  Each of
the scripts gets its configuration from /etc/default/btrfsmaintenance
and does not take any arguments.

From evaluate_auto_mountpoint() in btrfsmaintenance-functions:

# this function checks whether the variable contains the special keyword "auto" 
# if yes, all currently mounted btrfs filesystems are evaluated and their 
# are put into the parameter variable

"auto" uses a findmnt, then 'find -xdev' per mount point.  I ought to
open an upstream issue to allow blacklisting of removable devices.

> - manpages are missing

Is a manpage appropriate for something that is evolving into a set of
script-backed systemd services?  If they were stand-alone
wrapper/convenience scripts that accepted arguments of arbitrary paths
then I would definitely agree.  As it stands I imagine that a manpage
would only cover the fact that configuration is in
/etc/default/btrfsmaintenance, plus links/stubs to/for btrfs-scrub(8),
btrfs-filesystem(8)--for defrag--and btrfs-balance(8).  Whether as a
manpage, a README.Debian, comments in /etc/default/btrfsmaintenance,
or the upstream README, what can I do to make this better?  Honestly,
I'm sympathetic to upstream's position, because systemd units such as
alsa-restore do not have (and imho do not need) manpages.

Upstream conversation on this topic is here:

Kind regards,

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