Just to make the point, I prepared an up to date table of the missing dependencies for fontmake:
- https://github.com/googlei18n/cu2qu [RFP #868004] - https://github.com/googlei18n/glyphsLib [ITP #868005] - https://github.com/googlei18n/ufo2ft [RFP #868006] - https://github.com/fonttools/fonttools [OK] - https://github.com/googlei18n/compreffor [MISSING] - https://github.com/LettError/MutatorMath [ITP #806503] - https://github.com/typesupply/fontMath [ITP #806514] - https://github.com/unified-font-object/ufoLib [ITP #870878] - https://github.com/typemytype/booleanOperations.git [RFP #806516] - https://github.com/typesupply/defcon.git [ITP #806513] All the ITPs are owned by Yao Wei, who is doing a great work in packaging most of fontmake's dependencies. I'll try to take care of some of the missing ones, if nobody is already working on them. I'm interested in fontmake as I maintain the fonts-hack package (together with Fabian Greffrath). Starting from the soon to be released version 3, this font will be distributed together with a build script based on fontmake. This means that it will be finally possible to distribute a source package for Hack that builds to a binary package, making it a truly FLOSS font. Kind regards, Paride