On Tue, 10 Oct 2017 14:51:30 +0200 Jan Bergner <be...@janbergner.de> wrote:
> This package already existed in Wheezy and Jessie and was removed as 
> obsolete, when mediawiki itself was dropped:
> https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=810127
> Since mediawiki was reintroduced, it would be nice to also have the 
> extensions back.

The group of extensions in the previous mediawiki-extensions package was
a mixed bag of random extensions that someone at some particular point
in time wanted. Some are not maintained anymore, severely outdated, and
won't work with modern versions of MediaWiki. On the other hand, others
are included in the "mediawiki" package itself and receive security and
maintenance updates from the MediaWiki core development team.

> Personally, I want to set up a mediawiki with LDAP authentication and it 
> would seem to make sence to have this available not only by manual 
> installation, but for all debian administrators.

The LDAP authentication extension for MediaWiki has no upstream
maintainer currently, and anyone should be wary of taking on the
responsibility for security support for it.

I (personally) am open to packaging some MediaWiki extensions, but I
think they would need to be reasonably popular, and have an active
upstream contributor that would be willing to assist with security support.

So instead of setting up another random grab bag of extensions, I'd
rather see individual extensions packaged, e.g.:
* https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=871580
* https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=871594

-- Kunal

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