retitle 174119 ITA: noteedit -- KDE Music Editor

On Tue, Mar 18, 2003 at 09:29:30PM -0800, Craig Dickson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> was 
heard to say:
> Daniel Burrows wrote on 10 Feb 2003:
> > I guess I can see about uploading a new version sometime this
> > week...maybe Wednesday at the earliest.
> Any news on this?

  Oops, I forgot.  Anyway, I've put some preliminary packages at

  The only thing left to solve is that Lintian complains because of a
library contained in the package (libnoteedit).  I'm not sure what (if
anything) to do about this; there are no include files for it and there
is only one program in the package, so I suspect the author is making a
shared library just because he feels like it.  Maybe I can figure out a
way to link it into noteedit statically.


/-------------------- Daniel Burrows <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> -------------------\
|                    "Do you know why the prisoner in the                     |
|                     tower watches the flight of birds?"                     |
|                      -- Terry Pratchett, _Reaper_Man_                       |
\-- Does your computer have Super Cow Powers? ------- --/

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