Hi Timothee,

Timothee Besset wrote:
> Ok, so after the third person in one hour points out that I forgot some
> elements (which I have added since then), what should I do? Get this bug
> closed and open a new one? Or is that good enough now that the information
> has been added. My intent is to package, not waste my time with a bug
> tracker I never liked very much..
a) You'll be expected to "waste your time" with the very same bug tracker
   if your package is included in Debian. If you don't like that, don't
   maintain packages.
b) While you have added some information, I'd recommend adding a completed
   template and that includes the suggested short and long description.
   Sometimes it seems that the descriptions are the easiest part to get
   wrong, they certainly are the easiest to get helpful comments on.
   Also, you might consider CC'ing debian-devel for that.



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