> On Feb 11, 2018, at 12:37 AM, Michael Stapelberg <stapelb...@debian.org> 
> wrote:
> On Sat, Feb 10, 2018 at 6:08 PM, Pete Heist <p...@eventide.io 
> <mailto:p...@eventide.io>> wrote:
> - I tried getting signatures working but punted because GitHub creates a 
> .tar.gz, which I signed with a .tar.gz.asc, but the build process expects a 
> .tar.xz.asc in the upstream, so lintian then warns with 
> 'orig-tarball-missing-upstream-signature'. Is there any pkg-go example of 
> signatures working with a GitHub hosted repo? Otherwise I’ll eventually 
> figure it out.
> The process currently is a bit clunky. dh-make-golang hardcodes using xz (via 
> tar J), so either you change that in dh-make-golang’s source, or you manually 
> create the packaging git repository:
> # save GitHub .tar.gz as irtt_0.9.0.orig.tar.gz
> % mkdir irtt
> % cd irtt
> % git init
> % gbp import-orig ../irtt_0.9.0.orig.tar.gz
> % cp -r /tmp/dh-make-golang/irtt/debian .
> % git commit -a -m "Initial packaging”
> Let me know if anything else. Thanks!
> It would be good to avoid copying the systemd .service file into debian/. I 
> think you can instead install it with a debian/rules override. See e.g. 
> https://sources.debian.org/src/forked-daapd/25.0-2/debian/rules/?hl=22#L22 
> <https://sources.debian.org/src/forked-daapd/25.0-2/debian/rules/?hl=22#L22>
> Let me know how you’d like to proceed regarding the signatures. It’s not a 
> requirement to sign the releases for now, but note that after the initial 
> upload, we don’t have the luxury of starting with a fresh repository anymore.

Ok, I took the advice for the .service file (thanks, that’s smoother), and 
re-initialized the repo for the last time. :)

I passed on signing for now. I modified dh-make-golang to make a .tar.gz 
(thought I might even submit a pull request with a new command line option), 
but the .tar.gz that’s created is not the same as the one GitHub automatically 
creates (different internal directory names for starters), so for each build it 
looks like I’d have to:
- Run gbp once to generate the .tar.gz
- Sign it to get the .tar.gz.asc
- Run gbp again with the .tar.gz.asc in place to see that lintian doesn’t 
- Manually upload the .tar.gz and .tar.gz.asc to GitHub
In the interest of keeping my release process as simple as possible, I’ll 
smooth this out later when I have more time!

One more thing: I switched to semantic versioning when I started CHANGES.md, so 
on ftp.upload.debian.org what was irtt_0.9-1* before is now irtt_0.9.0-1*, in 
case there are some dangling files there that should be cleaned up.

Thanks again!


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