W.r.t. the previous time I looked (version 1.5.1) the dependencies have not 
changed much:
- Upgraded: 
  - bytes: 2.4.0 -> 3.0.0
  - debug: 2.2.0 -> 3.0.0
  - normalize-url: 1.9.1 -> 2.0.0

While for the build dependencies:
- New:
  - babel-plugin-transform-builtin-extend
- Upgraded:
  - eslint-config-fb-strict: 20.1.0-delta.3 -> 22.0.0
  - eslint-plugin-jest: 20.0.3 -> 21.0.0
  - eslint-plugin-relay: 0.0.8 -> 0.0.21
  - execa: 0.9.0 -> 0.10.0
  - flow-bin: 0.52.0 -> 0.66.0
  - gulp-watch: 4.3.5 -> 5.0.0
  - jest: 21.2.1 -> 22.4.3

Missing build deps:
- node-babel-plugin-array-includes
- node-babel-plugin-transform-builtin-extend
- node-jsinspect

Build-deps to update:
- node-execa 0.5.0 -> 0.10.0
- node-gulp-sourcemaps 1.9.1 -> 2.2.0
- node-temp 0.8.1 -> 0.8.3

Missing deps:
- deepequal
- dnscache https://bugs.debian.org/886866
- gunzip-maybe
- is-builtin-module
- node-normalize-url https://bugs.debian.org/886873
- puka https://bugs.debian.org/886849
- node-request-capture-har
- tar-fs
- v8-compile-cache
- yn (RFS)

Deps to update:
- node-emoji: 1.4.1 -> 1.6.1
- node-request: 2.26.1 -> 2.81.0
- node-node-uuid 1.4.7 -> 3.0.1, see this thread and replies:


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