(dropped debian-devel CC)

On Tue, May 1, 2018 at 3:13 PM, Michal Čihař <ni...@debian.org> wrote:
> Hello Felipe
> On Tue, 2018-05-01 at 11:37 -0300, Felipe Sateler wrote:
>> I use this package for $work so I'm planning to help here. Here is
>> what I'll be doing, time permitting:
>> 1. Migrate source away from alioth to salsa
>> 2. Package new composer dependencies: sql-parser, motranslator,
>> shapefile, recaptcha.
>> 3. Update phpmyadmin
>> I've started (1) by creating a phmyadmin-team on salsa, and will push
>> my work over there.
> That's great! Thanks for stepping up, I'm really not able to find
> reasonable amount time for Debian work in last months and it doesn't
> seem to get better in near future.

It's OK, it happens to all of us. I hope you can still answer questions though.

> PS: The pretty much same applies for phpMyAdmin upstream work, but if
> there would be something annoying for packaging what should be fixed
> upstream just let me know, I'll handle that.

I've pushed my progress to the repos in the team area, except for
phpmyadmin changes that I pushed to my personal fork (so that I can
rebase freely). I pushed repos for shapefile, google-recaptcha and

I've hit a snag though: phpmyadmin now uses Twig ^1.33, but debian has
2.x (I believe this is just a metadata bug or at least fixable, as
1.27+ can be source-compatible with 2.x), and it uses the extensions,
that are not packaged. I ran out of time yesterday to package that
too, so current state is not runnable :(

I think I'll get a few hours to work a bit more on this during the
week, but in the meantime, it would be nice if you (as upstream) could
confirm that phpmyadmin is indeed compatible with Twig 2.x or some
other changes are needed.


Felipe Sateler

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