On Jul 20, Guillem Jover <guil...@debian.org> wrote:

> > And this means that perl (a libcrypt dependency) would be broken between 
> > 1 and 5 (or maybe 1 and 3): is this ever going to work?
> Given that this new package is going to replace a part of glibc, it
> will need to behave as if it was part of the pseudo-Essential package
> set. When it comes to the diversion that means it needs to be added
> *without* the rename, so that we always have the libcrypt.so.1 present.
I am not sure about how this would work: can you point me to an example 

> But otherwise why would it be broken?
Because indeed when using dpkg-divert --rename the file would be missing 
for some time.

> > But even if this worked correctly, glibc installs a libcrypt-N.NN.so, 
> > whose exact name I expect changes among different releases.
> This one is tied to the major.minor glibc version, so I think you
> should just ignore it. I'd expect at most glibc itself to perhaps rely
> on it, anything else using it would not be very sane IMO.
I just feared ldconfig deciding to change the .so.1 symlink, I could not 
find any documentation about when it decides to change existing symlinks 
and then how it chooses between different versions of the same library.


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