Package: wnpp


In order to extend my involvement with Debian and with future plans of being a 
Debian Developer, I would like to add my new package fsdiff 

to the Debian Repository and found somebody to adopt my effort. 

fsdiff, is a very simple Python3 based command line tool, that lets you compare 
two filesystems (with a future addition to mount img and iso images

as well). It used currently as a proof of concept, post-build step of an OS 
distribution system but it's far from complete. I am very happy to continue

it maintenance and effort in the future as well.

I have already created a deb package following the Debian Policy and 
Documentation, but still it would be invaluable to have an experienced Mentor's 

opinion! The source can be downloaded from

All the best,

Ioannis Valasakis

Software Engineer

KANO Computing

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