On 2018-09-01 02:05 AM, Jongmin Kim wrote:
> At that time, I just used an username of upstream's author. With your
> suggestion, I opened an issue [1] and made a change. Some days ago I
> asked some questions related to copyright to debian-mentors [2], and got
> some suggestions from them. I will not do like this anymore. Thank you!
> I tried to make the repository to keep the upstream's commit history,
> instead of using 'pristine-tar'. In result, I created again a new
> repository in my namespace:
>     https://salsa.debian.org/jmkim-guest/golang-github-rivo-tview
> Would you please consider to use this for packaging, instead of using
> our team's repo? Thank you!
> [1] https://github.com/rivo/tview/issues/149
> [2] https://lists.debian.org/debian-mentors/2018/08/msg00217.html

Are you suggesting that we replace the team's repository? Or are you
suggesting to keep it in your namespace?

Are you able to just update the team's repository to the latest and
greatest and have me review that instead?

It may be that you are not able to overwrite existing commits. In that
case, I am willing to wipe the repository for you.

Let me know what you need.


Alexandre Viau

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