Control: tags -1 +pending +patch

Progress on this package:

 * the debianized source is here:

 * tests are disabled because they fail as the `ia` binary is missing
   after build (but not, presumably, install)

 * similarly, the Py2 build is disabled because it requires
   backports.csv which is not in Debian at the time of writing

 * the upstream doc is also not built in a -doc package - that can be
   added later. this means no manpage is available for the `ia` command,
   but that should be okay as our package name is
   "python3-internetarchive", ie. we behave as a library and the `ia`
   command is auxiliary (even though the latter is what I use the most).

I'm still unsure about the binary package name: it would be pretty cool
to call this binary `ia` since it does provide this awesome commandline
tool. Unfortunately, that namespace is claimed by the python-duckduckgo2
package, which we conflict with.

I'll sit on this a little longer then upload as it seems pretty complete.


Les plus beaux chants sont les chants de revendications
Le vers doit faire l'amour dans la tête des populations.
À l'école de la poésie, on n'apprend pas: on se bat!
                        - Léo Ferré, "Préface"

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