Robert McQueen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Thanks for bringing this to my attention Martin! Deadlines you don't
> know about are somewhat unfair, not to mention difficult to respond
> to!

Sorry Robert, I forgot to write to 127750-submitter and I have not
realized that my mail wouldn't reach you.

> When I'm back at my own PC (later today) I will send you a tarball of
> what I've done so far. I don't have much time to do any more work on the
> packages now, so I'm happy to let you take over. I'd have been happier
> if you'd actually contacted me and asked, rather than threatening...

Please do not consider my mail as a threat and forgive me if you
consider my tone was aggressive.  But as you haven't answered to a
previous mail from Martin (Apr 2002), I decided to set a deadline in
case you would not answer and in order to avoid deadlocks.


 ; ;' ;      Debian GNU/Linux     |   Benjamin Drieu
 `. `'  |  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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