On Thu, May 3, 2018 at 4:07 AM Michal Čihař <ni...@debian.org> wrote:

> Hi
> Felipe Sateler píše v St 02. 05. 2018 v 10:46 -0300:
> > I've hit a snag though: phpmyadmin now uses Twig ^1.33, but debian
> > has
> > 2.x (I believe this is just a metadata bug or at least fixable, as
> > 1.27+ can be source-compatible with 2.x), and it uses the extensions,
> > that are not packaged. I ran out of time yesterday to package that
> > too, so current state is not runnable :(
> The reason is that phpMyAdmin 4.8 still supports PHP 5.x, while Twig
> 2.x does not. So it's on purpose from the phpMyAdmin side and I'm not
> sure how different these two versions are..

>From my local testing (I have a local package built), it seems the versions
are "close enough".  So I think we can patch downstream to require 2.x
version. You might want to reconsider upstream, with PHP5.6 going EOL by
the end of the year.

Anyway, currently things are at least running, but there are still some
configuration that need better defaults. I keep getting:

> The $cfg['TempDir'] (./tmp/) is not accessible. phpMyAdmin is not able to
cache templates and will be slow because of this

Progress continues slowly...


Felipe Sateler

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