On Mon 02 Nov 2015 at 20:47:24 +0100, Kurt Pfeifle wrote:

> Package: wnpp
> Severity: RFP
> RasterView is a simple GUI image viewer which specializes in displaying
> CUPS raster and PWG Raster files.
> The CUPS and PWG Raster formats are used by CUPS in some printing
> workflows. Both can handle multi-page image files, and can embed job
> specific settings in page headers (such as page size or duplex settings).
> PWG Raster was specified by the Printer Working Group working on the
> upcoming "IPP Everywhere" standard which aims at ubiquituos "driverless
> printing" for all major OS platforms. It is one of the three core formats
> (besides JPEG and PDF) to be supported by print devices for compliance with
> the IPP Everywhere standard.
> A viewer for the generated raster files in such a printing workflow is
> important not just for debugging print problems...
> RasterView has a dependency on FLTK. It was written by Mike Sweet (CUPS
> developer). Its license is GPL v2. Its latest release is v1.4.1 (Aug 27,
> 2015).

The latest release (28 Oct 2018) is 1.7.1

> I was able to compile it on Debian Jessie "out of the box".

It also compiles on buster.

> License: GPL v2

1.7.1 is under the Apache License Version 2.0.

> Source Tarball:
> https://www.msweet.org/files/project7/rasterview-1.4.1.tar.gz
> URL: https://www.msweet.org/projects.php?Z7

A new URL:


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