Control: clone 922353 -2
Control: reassign -2 dpkg
Control: retitle -2 start-stop-daemon should support socket-activation via the 
sd_listen_fds(3) convention
Control: severity -2 wishlist

On Fri 2019-02-15 04:34:47 +0100, Guillem Jover wrote:
> Another option would be to implement this in start-stop-daemon, like
> the similar support for the systemd readiness protocol was recently
> implemented there too.

Thanks for the suggestion!  How widely-distributed is start-stop-daemon
outside of debian?  I see it's been ported to OpenBSD; are they
syncing from upstream?

The code i have is just python3 right now (simple argument parsing made
development much quicker), but it's not too terrible to do it in C.

It's great to hear that the dpkg codebase would welcome such a feature
addition if it's done right!

I'm opening this as a wishlist issue for dpkg just so we don't lose
track of it, since it might take me some cycles to get the C
implementation in shape.  If anyone else wants to beat me to it, i
certainly wouldn't complain :)


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