On Sun, 14 Apr 2019, Jongmin Kim wrote:

this shows:
 gbp:info: Cloning from 
gbp:info: Running Postclone hook
W: Paket golang-github-jesseduffield-gocui kann nicht gefunden werden.
Trying uscan --download --download-current-version ...
Klone in Bare-Repository 
'../golang-github-jesseduffield-gocui-temporary.4957.git' ...
remote: Enumerating objects: 34, done.
remote: Counting objects: 100% (34/34), done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (28/28), done.
remote: Total 34 (delta 16), reused 9 (delta 5), pack-reused 0
Entpacke Objekte: 100% (34/34), Fertig.
uscan: Newest version of golang-github-jesseduffield-gocui on remote site is 
0.3.0~git20190409.1b91467, specified download version is 
Successfully renamed ../golang-github-jesseduffield-gocui-0.3.0~git20190409.1b91467.tar.xz to ../golang-github-jesseduffield-gocui_0.3.0~git20190409.1b91467.orig.tar.xz. Could not find any location for golang-github-jesseduffield-gocui_0.3.0+git20190409.1b91467.orig.tar.*
gbp:error: Postclone-hook 'origtargz' failed: it exited with 1


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