Hello Daniel!

On Wed, May 28, 2003 at 11:44:57AM +0200, Daniel Kobras wrote:
> My package is available via
> deb http://antares.tat.physik.uni-tuebingen.de/%7Ekobras/debian/ unstable/
> There are two showstoppers that prevented me from uploading so far:
> Frequent crashes on non-x86 architectures, and nightfall's royally
> annoying habit of storing its output files into the CWD unconditionally.
> Did you address any of these issues in your package?
I had a look at your packages. Perhaps I will be able to build
PowerPC-packages soon. I did not experience a crash on my SparcStation so
But it's easy to crash the program using LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib/libgdkxft.so.0
But not nightfall is to blame for that.

Perhaps this crashing beaviour became better between versions 1.30 and

The stuff about the cwd is quite bad. But this is something to change in
the upstream sources I think. A patch like this should be communicated
on [EMAIL PROTECTED] BTW, on this list nobody seems to know about
your effort of packaging nightfall.



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