Hi Trent,

Thank you for investigating and filing this RFS.  Reply follows inline.

"Trent W. Buck" <trentb...@gmail.com> writes:

> * License         : not licensed?

I've filed an upstream issue about including the full license text.

>   Description     : ansible syntax highlighting, completion, and yasnippet 
> templates for Emacs
> Ansible (already in Debian) is a configuration management tool.
> Ansible file format is a combination of YAML (structured data) and jinja2 
> (templates).
> elpa-yaml (already in Debian) is mostly sufficient;
> adding ansible.el gives some domain-specific syntax highlighting.
> e.g. yaml-mode colors these lines the same; ansible.el colors the
> first line specially (because it has special meaning to Ansible).
>     name: foo
>     bar: baz
> ansible.el also has some stuff to auto-complete ansible keywords
> (e.g. "na<TAB>" --> "name"), and some basic yasnippet-based templates.
> I (Trent Buck) personally do not care about those features.

Thank you for taking the time investigate and to write a nice description!

Continuing from Bug #941058

> Its documentation doesn't list the features / benefits over plain
> yaml-mode.

Good point, that doc issue ought to be fixed upstream.  Also, I suspect
that the conversion to a derived major mode should be done before this
software is suitable for a Debian stable release.  Finally, it would be
nice if the snippets were merged into Andrea Crotti's official upstream
snippets collection once ansible mode has been modified to be a derived
major mode.  I'm not sure if the .yas-parent functionality will work
properly without this change, and it would be nice to provide the
yaml-mode snippets + ansible snippets (via .yas-parent) simultaneously,
for users who enjoy this type of functionality.

> From reading the source, it looks like it provides
>  * keyword highlighting (useful),
>  * autocompletion of keywords (not useful), and
>  * yasnippets templates (not useful).

Were you able to tell if the autocompletion and yasnippets are so
limited as to be not useful to people who use this functionality?  The
snippets appear to be surprisingly comprehensive to me.

> It depends on packages named simply "s" and "f" (oy!), but
> those appear to be in Debian already (elpa-s and elpa-f).
> I installed those then did
>     emacs -nw -q \
>         -l emacs-ansible/ansible.el \
>         -eval "(require 'yaml-mode)" \
>         cyber-ansible/Cyber-BCP.yaml \
>         -eval '(ansible +1)'

Excellent work, are you interested in joining the Debian Emacsen team?
It's clear you have the skills. :-)  I'd be happy to answer questions
and provide guidance if necessary.

> ...and yeah OK, there's more color.  It treats "name: xxxx" specially,
> and it tries to recognize the embedded jinja2 {{}} {%%} crap without
> actually resorting to using an actual jinja major mode (via mumamo or
> mmm).

This is the most interesting feature imho, eg: a lightweight jinja2
parser, and should go in the long description.  Whoever fulfills this
RFP should verify that this functionality can catch jinja2 syntax errors.

> I guess elpa-ansible would be useful to me, but
> not enough to put you to any significant trouble.
> I'll file an RFP and let you decide whether to action it. :-)

I'll add it to my low-priority "to package eventually if someone else
doesn't step forward" queue.

Take care,

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