On Tuesday, 7 January 2020 8:41:43 PM AEDT Cirujano Cuesta, Silvano wrote:
> In the past "policy.json" was being installed by this package, but this
> behavior got changed:
> https://salsa.debian.org/debian/libpod/commit/3980d63cbc13c51369f3540eb32e
> 53391199b91d

Is there a question here?

> Now it's expected to get the policy installed by another
> recommended package: "buildah".


> I suppose that such a change was needed to
> avoid two Debian packages that are compatible trying to manage the same
> file. Am I right?

Not quite. Buildah is a lower level package so it is reasonable for it to own 
the policy. One package providing the file is quite enough.

> But probably some prominent way to tell the user about how to get
> "policy.json" (and probably also "registries.conf") is needed.

Not really. Recommended packages are installed by default. README.Debian 
already contains a note about "policy.json". This is sufficient.

> If not, people will be frequently stumbling over it.

If they do not install Recommended packages? That's OK.

> I did and someone else also did:
> https://github.com/containers/libpod/issues/1742#issuecomment-570952262

I think the only reason why you've stumbled upon the issue is because you are 
likely installed podman using `dpkg` command that installs no recommended 

> I first thought on some message on installation, what might be useful.

No... This is an optional file that is not even needed to those who build/
deploy their own OCI container images.

> But in the end probably the place where it's failing is the best place to
> let the user know about the solution...

It is the same issue with Buildah... Buildah owns those conffiles and 
provides their man pages as well.

> What about minor patching to report the potential issues?

??? I don't quite follow you...

> Patching CheckForRegistries@cmd/podman/platform_linux.go [1] would suffice
> for "registries.conf".

"registries.conf" is an optional file. I think everything is good enough as 
it is now.

 Dmitry Smirnov.


Good luck happens when preparedness meets opportunity.

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