On Wed, Jan 15, 2020 at 09:46:16PM +0800, YunQiang Su wrote:
> On Thu, 5 Sep 2019 09:33:33 -0700 Mike Miller <mtmil...@debian.org>
> wrote:
> > On Tue, Oct 30, 2018 at 16:40:18 +0200, Peter Pentchev wrote:
> > > I intend to package this tool since it seems to be the preferred
> > > alternative to the already packaged createrepo Python tool (and
> many
> > > thanks to Mike Miller for maintaining that package!) in at least
> > > the Fedora RPM packaging community.  Thus it might be useful for
> people
> > > maintaining their own repositories of RPM-packaged software; there
> is
> > > no reason not to be able to do that on a Debian system :)
> > 
> > Hey Peter,
> > 
> > How is your work on this package going? Do you need any help? I am
> > interested in seeing this completed so that createrepo can be cleanly
> > removed from the archive.
> Mike, I think that you can take control of it now.


Mike, really, really sorry that I didn't reply to this... it somehow
slipped through and I only noticed it now :(

The real reason I have not gone forward with the packaging of
createrepo-c is an IMHO severe licensing problem upstream as you can see
at https://github.com/rpm-software-management/createrepo_c/issues/106 -
and so far there has been no response from upstream, and the only change
in the cmake/Modules/ directory between the then-current version 0.11.1
and the now-current 0.15.5 is the addition of a new file with proper
licensing information, but none of the problematic ones have been
touched in any way.


Peter Pentchev  roam@{ringlet.net,debian.org,FreeBSD.org} p...@storpool.com
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