control: retitle -1 RFP: rake_nltk -- RAKE implemented in Python for nltk
control: noowner -1

Dear Daniel:

As you are aware, you have been expelled from the project as a Debian
Developer and then later removed from the Debian Maintainer
keyring in response to ongoing concerns with your behavior.

For these reasons, it is not appropriate for you to maintain packages.
As Project Leader with concurrence of two members of the ftpmaster team,
I confirm that Debian does not welcome you as a package maintainer.  I
request that anyone maintaining a package based on packaging you have
prepared audit that packaging as if it comes from an external source.
Since you cannot be a package maintainer, I am retitling this bug to RFP
instead of ITP.

Moreover, it is inappropriate for you to describe yourself as a Debian
Developer, as you did in your message filing the ITP.  Constitution
section 3.2 notes that the Project Leader's Delegates (in this case the
account managers) may expel developers; in your case this has happened.
So, you must not describe yourself that way or represent yourself as
speaking on behalf of the Debian Project.  Without limitation to other
circumstances, this includes when interacting with the Debian community,
its members, the BTS, and (without limitation) other aspects of the
community.  Such misrepresentations are unacceptable behavior in our

In response to some of the same actions that ultimately ended up in your
key being removed from the maintainer's keyring, you were banned from
all our lists.
I reviewed how to respond to this ITP with members of ftpmaster, members
of the account manager team and members of the community team.
As part of that discussion, the question came up as to whether you were
welcome at all in our community.
With the concurrence of members of the account managers, ftpmaster, and
community team, I conclude that you are not welcome in the Debian
Please stop all interactions with our lists, our BTS, our forums,, and any other Debian Project communications channels.
Allowing your activity and presence in our community would only
support behavior that is not welcome in our community--behavior that you
have declined to stop despite multiple requests from multiple parties
over an extended period of time.

As a general rule, the project avoids discussing expulsions in public.
However, your choice to represent yourself as a Debian Developer and to
attempt to act as a Debian Developer after you have been expelled put
the project in a position where we have chosen to make an exception to
that general rule so that our community can understand the situation and
understand that we do value acting to make Debian a place where people
can work free from disruption or harassment.

Sam Hartman
Debian Project Leader

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