Dear Alexandre.

> It looks like you are trying to do many things at once.
> Instead of trying to fix everything in one go, I would suggest that we
> pick one problem and move from there.

Thanks for your feedback.

I tried to update my Jami installation, when connections to newer Jami
clients broke down, unfortunately. The fresh version is working for me.

> How about we start by packaging restinio in Debian? I'd gladly sponsor
> such an upload.

I can see an upper bound to the efforts required to update Jami. The
restinio package is not my primary interest. But will try to allocate
some time for it [1].

Afaiu, the bottleneck will be opendht. opendht is already packaged, but
too old. The required version is unreleased (2.0.0rc2). What does it
take to have a release candidate in Debian?

best regards


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