Hello Nicholas :)

On 2019-12-23 8:19 p.m., Nicholas D Steeves wrote:
> Thank you for recommending that I try Syncthing all those years ago
> After waiting a bit for it to mature, I'm now using it extensively and
> recommend it to friends and family :-)  I'm not qualified to be the
> sole package maintainer, but would be happy to help out.  Please ping
> me in February or March if someone with more golang experience hasn't
> stepped forward--I won't learn if I have the necessary free time to
> commit to comaintenance before then.

I am glad to learn that you have been using and recommending Syncthing!

I have recently gotten some reinforcement. I am not ready to close this
bug yet but I think that we should be able to update syncthing soon :)

I'll let you know if things don't work out, but it looks good.


Alexandre Viau

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