Package: wnpp
Severity: wishlist

* Package name    : re2j
  Version         : 1.3
  Upstream Author : The Go Authors
* URL             :
* License         : BSD-3
  Programming Lang: Java
  Description     : linear-time regular expression matching in Java

RE2 is a regular expression engine that runs in time linear in the size
of the input. RE2/J is a port of RE2 to pure Java.

Java's standard regular expression package, |java.util.regex|, and many
other widely used regular expression packages such as PCRE, Perl and
Python use a backtracking implementation strategy: when a pattern
presents two alternatives such as |a|b|, the engine will try to match
subpattern |a|first, and if that yields no match, it will reset the
input stream and try to match |b|instead.

If such choices are deeply nested, this strategy requires an exponential
number of passes over the input data before it can detect whether the
input matches. If the input is large, it is easy to construct a pattern
whose running time would exceed the lifetime of the universe. This
creates a security risk when accepting regular expression patterns from
untrusted sources, such as users of a web application.

In contrast, the RE2 algorithm explores all matches simultaneously in a
single pass over the input data by using a nondeterministicfinite automaton.

There are certain features of PCRE or Perl regular expressions that
cannot be implemented in linear time, for example, backreferences, but
the vast majority of regular expressions patterns in practice avoid such

This package is a dependency of the netCDF Java library.

It will be maintained under the umbrella of the Java Maintainers Team.

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