On Fri, Jul 11, 2003 at 12:22:46PM -0400, Colin Walters wrote:
> On Thu, 2003-07-10 at 15:53, Joel Baker wrote:
> > The problem is that it's written in python, which build-depends on emacs,
> > which build-depends on....
> Surely you can just remove the emacs Build-Depends temporarily in order
> to get a working python?

Frankly, I have no idea if that would work or not - I tend to believe
a packager when they declare a build-dependancy. In any case, if I
desperately needed python, I'd be more inclined to copy over the native
version from the other side of the box in question, right now (emacs is far
from the only missing build-depend, just the most obviously complex one).

The point being that, after well over six months of porting, the NetBSD
port is not yet at a point where we could, in any meaningful sense, try to
build enough to support mini-dinstall's basic requirements. I'm not trying
to claim this would resolve all the worlds problems, but it's fairly clear
to me that *some* tool which can run on a system with the barest of bones
is useful to at least a few people (given the number who have replied,
but not CC'ed the bug, saying "Please let me have it!" - not a cast of
thousands, but more than one or two).

Conversely, I had a natively compiled and packaged dpkg, bash, perl, and
coreutils within the first few weeks (modulo some ugly hacks to make
ncurses compile, given the quirks of NetBSD's wide character support).

A side benefit (at least to me) is that it is probably relatively easy to
run it on a non-Debian system, since (so far) the only Debian-specific tool
is dpkg.

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