Package: wnpp Severity: wishlist * Package name : libnovaworx-syntax Version : 0.0.7 Upstream Author : Mark Soderquist * URL : * License : GPL-2+ Programming Lang: Java Description : Novaworx IDE
Provides the library novaworx-syntax which is a dependency of J-Lawyer-Client (ITP:#962415) * Why is this package useful/relevant? * Is it a dependency for another package? Yes * Do you use it yourself? * If there are other packages providing similar functionality, how does it compare? * How do you plan to maintain it? Do you plan to maintain it inside a packaging team? (check list at I want to maintain it inside the Java-Team * Are you looking for co-maintainers? Do you need a sponsor? No ...-- Mechtilde Stehmann ## Debian Developer ## PGP encryption welcome ## F0E3 7F3D C87A 4998 2899 39E7 F287 7BBA 141A AD7F
Description: OpenPGP digital signature