On Mon, 2020-08-03 at 10:34 +1000, David Bannon wrote:
> Ben, I am not sure if I am allowed to answer here, don't want Bart to
> slap me down again.
> If I have it wrong again, very sorry, will withdraw....
> On 3/8/20 4:34 am, Ben Hutchings wrote:
> > Gtk+ 2 is deprecated, and we should not add new applications using it.
> > So it sounds like the best option for now would be to build it with Qt
> > support only.  Why is that limited to 64-bit architectures?
> Ben, most distros are still shipping GTK2 and most don't ship Qt5. So,
> at present, it sort of makes sense to use GTK2 from the point of view of
> the average user.

I am only talking about what should be done in an official Debian
package here.  It you build a generic binary for Linux then Gtk+ 2 may
well be the better option.

> The point is that with Lazarus, its trivial to switch
> from GTK2 to QT5 at compile time so, in a way, tomboy-ng is not really a
> GTK2 app, it can be what ever is decided at compile time.
> The Qt5 version is dependent of a shim library, libqt5pas that is
> available in most newer distributions but 64bit only.  Thats apparently
> because the upstream libraries that are needed to link to it are not
> available.

Debian has it for 32-bit and 64-bit Arm and x86 architectures, plus
32-bit MIPS.

> That all sounds great. I am starting to understand the Debian process,
> but just starting !

You should probably join the debian-mentors mailing list and send any
questions there.


Ben Hutchings
For every complex problem
there is a solution that is simple, neat, and wrong.

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