
I'm busy with real life until next Monday - it would be great if somebody
could care for this soon since bazel depends on it.

Kind regards


On Thu Oct 22 02:00:09 BST 2020 Sean Whitton ftpmaster at ftp-master.debian.org 
> +----------------------+
> |   REJECT reasoning   |
> +----------------------+
> I found various .class files where it is not clear we have the Java source
> code for them.  In addition, one of our trainees found the following:
> Contains code with a declared upstream of non-free docs.
> Various missing licenses.
> checker/src/testannotations/java/android/* is copyright 2013, The Android 
> Open Source Project, Apache-2.0
> checker/src/testannotations/java/edu/umd/cs/findbugs/annotations/* is 
> copyright 2005, University of Maryland, LGPL-2.1+
> checker/src/testannotations/java/javax/validation/constraints/* is copyright 
> Oracle and NONFREE
> checker/src/testannotations/java/net/jcip/annotations/* is (c) 2005 Brian 
> Goetz and Tim Peierls, CC-BY-2.5
> checker/src/testannotations/java/org/eclipse/jdt/annotation/* is (c) the 
> Eclipse Foundation, EPL-2.0
> checker/src/testannotations/java/org/eclipse/jgit/annotations/* is (c) The 
> Eclipse Foundation, BSD-3-Clause
> checker/src/testannotations/java/org/jetbrains/annotations/* is (c) JetBrains 
> s.r.o, Apache-2.0
> checker/src/testannotations/java/org/netbeans/api/annotations/common/* is (c) 
> Apache Software Foundation, Apache-2.0
> checker/src/testannotations/java/org/springframework/lang/* is Copyright 
> 2002-2019 the original author or authors., Apache-2.0
> dataflow/manual/*.sty is (c) various, LPPL-1.3+ and embedded copies
> +----------------------+
> |         N.B.         |
> +----------------------+
> This review may not be exhaustive.  Please check your source package
> against your d/copyright and the ftpmaster REJECT-FAQ, throughly,
> before uploading to NEW again.
> Thank you for your time and contribution!
> Sean


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