Package: wnpp
Severity: wishlist
Owner: Jakub Ružička <>

* Package name    : lua-binaryheap
  Version         : 0.4
  Upstream Author : Thijs Schreijer <>
* URL             :
* License         : MIT
  Programming Lang: lua
  Description     : binary heap implementation in lua

binaryheap.lua is a binary heap (binary tree) implementaion in lua.

- lua-binaryheap package is a missing requirement of lua-http package which is
  already included in Debian as described in bug #958665
- this package is an indirect requirement of Knot Resolver which I intend to
  package for Debian. upstream Knot Resolver package repos currntly use custom
  lua-binaryheap package which I use as a base for the Debian package.
- binaryheap.lua is a small and focused project which started in 2015 with
  last activity in 2019 so I assume it's stable/mature with changes unlikely
  thus it should be easy to maintain.
- I'm not a debian Dev but I try to become Maintainer with active sponsor as
  a part of Debian DNS team. I'm willing to maintain the package in forseeable
  future, especially as I expect minimal or no changes.

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