
I had a look at packaging and have some preliminary packages which do some of 
the work,
but libpw/ openh323 are beasts to build, you need lots of swap space.

I'm happy for you to upload the new builds.


On Tue, Jul 22, 2003 at 11:43:40AM -0300, Goedson Teixeira Paixao wrote:
> [ CC: to Mark Prucell since somebody told me he has 
> been working on pwlib/openh323 packaging some time ago ] 
>       Hello Santiago,
>       I'm looking at and intending to adopt oenh323 and pwlib.
>       I'd like to know if anybody else has offered to help in 
>       the packaging of these libs in order to avoid effort 
>       duplication.
>       Thank you for your attention,
>       Goedson

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