Matthias, you may want to comment on
(You did not receive first invitation because of a typo in your address)

> Some binutils bug is discovered. Once understood, Matthias is
> usually quick at uploading a fixed binutils.

If I understand well Matthias' point of view, this reactivity is
possible exactly because he can fix major architectures without
dealing with consequences on less important architectures.

If src:binutils were to build binutils-bpf or if binutils-bpf were to
Build-Depend on an exact DEB_VERSION of binutils-source, an
incompatibility between the fix and bpf would prevent migration of the
fixed src:binutils to testing.

Would these ideas mitigate the issues you are describing?
* debian/watch may automatically report packages outdated by a new
  binutils-source.deb, for example in the package tracking system.
* debian/README.source may allow no-change NMUs rebuilding against
  binutils-source (and ask for a RC bug report if the rebuild happens
  to fail).

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