Package: wnpp
Owner: Andrius Merkys <>
Severity: wishlist

* Package name    : libfeature-compat-try-perl
  Version         : 0.04
  Upstream Author : Paul Evans <>
* URL             :
* License         : Artistic or GPL-1+
  Programming Lang: Perl
  Description     : make try/catch syntax available
 Feature::Compat::Try is written in preparation for when perl will gain true
 native syntax support for try/catch control flow.
 Perl added such syntax in the development version 5.33.7, which is
enabled by
 use feature 'try';
 On that version of perl or later, this module simply enables the core
 equivalent to using it directly. On such perls, this module will
install with
 no non-core dependencies, and requires no C compiler.
 On older versions of perl before such syntax is available, it is currently
 provided instead using the Syntax::Keyword::Try module, imported with a
 special set of options to configure it to recognise exactly and only
the same
 syntax as the core perl feature, thus ensuring that any code using it will
 still continue to function on that newer perl.

This package is required to update libtest-json-schema-acceptance-perl.

Remark: This package is to be maintained with Debian Perl Group at

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