Paul Telford <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> schrieb:

> You wrote:
>> However, I still think we should give the upstream author time until the
>> end of the summer holidays. If 0.94 hasn't been released by mid august,
>> I suggest, I will ask my sponsor to upload the packages as they are with
>> the (publicly unused) version number 0.93.
> Hi Frank,
>  Have you heard any news?  With the recently announced sarge release 
> schedule [1] it would be great to see this new package fix some of the 
> outstanding bugs soon.

Yes, netenv-0.94 is out, and my package is practically ready. Bernhard
Link ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) has agreed to sponsor it and is reviewing my
work currently. Basically he was satisfied with it, he only questioned
wether I should use debconf to configure it (as I did) or wether to
simply disable it before the user configured it manually, based on
examples I provide.

You can get and review the packages at, if you
like. The Debian revision 1.1 is because I made the mistake not to start
with 0.x for the first try I sent to Bernhard. I had some hits on these
files in my weblog, and therefore I wanted to indicate that something
has changed.

Thank you - I'm glad to hear that people are interested in the package.

Bye, Frank
Frank Küster, Biozentrum der Univ. Basel
Abt. Biophysikalische Chemie

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