Hi Hannah,

I'm sorry for the unreasonably long delay. (this was a draft from
late Sept) Reply follows inline:

Hannah Rittich <v...@rittich.net> writes:
> I think a prefix would be nicer, and I think it should not be too hard
> to add configuration name prefix switch. I would like to check if this
> is a feasible option. In case it is not too much work and the upstream
> author is willing to merge those changes, we could get a proper prefix
> to the package name. Otherwise, I would suggest to stick with a suffix
> for ease of maintenance.

Agreed, and I just noticed that I missed your Oct 5th email which
addresses this directly.  Once again, sorry, you deserve more timely

>> Wow!  Yes, I will definitely sponsor your work :-)  How do you feel
>> about comaintaining these packages in the "debian" group (used to be
>> called collab-maint)?
> I am happy to share the responsibility with a team. Would that mean any
> additional obligations for me?

For the "debian" group, no additional obligations, and no interference
from evolving team policies which you may or may not appreciate.  The
undocumented (as far as I know) conventions of this group are as

  1. All DDs have commit access (as a rule rather than convention)
  2. If necessary, most DDs will usually file patches on the BTS, or
  might submit an MR if they're enabled
  3. Even though all DDs have commit access, uploads for NMUs follow the
  usual conventions.  So only NMUs for RC bugs in the case of
  unresponsive maintainers.  It's a fair expectation that in time you'll
  be granted permissions to upload, should you wish to pursue the
  "Debian Maintainer" role.

>> Syncthing for Debian tends to lag behind upstream, and we'll need to 
>> ignore or remove the embedded copy of libsyncthing in Syncthing
>> Tray. In terms of long-term maintenance it looks like Syncthing Tray
>> updates will need to block for Syncthing (and its new deps) uploads.
>> I forget if I uploaded the packages or not, but at some point I
>> worked on packaging new Golang deps for Syncthing, and it wasn't as
>> difficult as I had expected.  I'll wait for Alexandre's ACK before
>> asking you if you're also interested in Golang packaging ;-)
> I am a bit confused here. I though libsyncthing is a part of Syncthing
> Tray. I could not find the sources anywhere else. Are they actually part
> of some other package? Where do I find the sources?

I think these links will be enough for you to figure it out:


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