Would like to note that tetrinetx and gtetrinet are already in Debian. Tetrinetx
is the game server voor tetrinet, gtetrinet is the gtk tetrinet client. Maybe
something like tetrinet-ncurses is in order? In any way, having two tetrinet
servers would probably break something (and is redundant), so at least take a
look at tetrinetx and contact its maintainer to sync things...

Cheers, just my 2 cents,

                ( o o )
Wouter Alexander de Landgraaf          
Student AI & CS VU Amsterdam 
Phone: 06-16844084
GPG: http://am.xs4all.nl/key_alex.asc
WWW: www.alextreme.org & www.morphix.org
             (   )   Oooo. 
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               \_)    ) / 

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