On Mon, 2021-12-20 at 08:25 +0100, Andreas Tille wrote:
> Hi Kip,

Hey Andreas,

> May be you want to look here:
>    https://salsa.debian.org/med-team/community/MoM/-/wikis/home
> I'm fine to teach you about packaging and make an exemption from the
> requirement that it needs to be Debian Med related.
> Moreover the packaging itself is just done.  In principle you just
> need to clone the repository and run
>    sudo apt install routine-update
>    routine-update
> on it and test the result - if it works ping me.
> I think the technical knowledge you need to setup a PPA is higher
> than this.

Sorry for the communication latency. I had my head buried in a debugger
the last few days.

I think you are probably right. What I'll do is circle back to you
within the next few weeks to become a student. I need this package
anyways, and it's always good to learn more about the DPM.

Kip Warner -- Senior Software Engineer
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