On Montag, 1. September 2003 15:17, Ben Burton wrote:
> > Ugh, why do you want to introduce a metapackage ? Is there a reason
> > for that ?  kde-i18n doesn't have nor need one either :-)
> The reason for suggesting it was for the sort of people who would
> traditionally download koffice-i18n from the KDE servers and build and
> install it.
> As I see it, if you don't like it, nobody's going to force you to
> install it.  You could say the same about kde-extras - I'm certainly not
> going to download a metapackage that depends on all sorts of random
> unrelated KDE apps bound only by the fact that they all link with
> kdelibs.  But I'm not complaining about its existence.
> As it happens however, I uploaded a few hours ago without the
> metapackage.  But I honestly don't see how it would have harmed anyone.

It wouldn't have harmed anyone but I think it doesn't make much sense either - 
you don't have one for kde-i18n also.


> Ben.

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