From: David lamptey
I do hope this letter will not come to you as a surprise; it was borne
outof my desire to share a business relation ship with you. My name is
David Lamptey, 42yrs,a Ghana national married with a wife and two
children. I work as an Assistant Administrative Manager with STANDARD
SECURITY AND SERVICES LTD. in Accra-Ghana. I got the information concerning
You from the Ghana Chamber of Commerce and after due consultation with
my spiritual adviser, I decided to contact you in believing that by the
grace of God, you will accept to be my partner in this business. I earn a
salary of 1.6M 200 USD equivalent monthly. I joined the services of
this company in 1991 as an office assistant. I decided to contact you
believing that by the grace of God you will accept to be my partner in
this business.
I have been working with this company for nine years. Within this
I have watched with meticulous precision how African Heads of States
government functionaries have been using STANDARD SECURITIES to move
huge sums of money USD, Pound sterling, French France (Cash) to their
foreign partners.

They bring in these consignments of money cash and secretly declare the
contents as jewelries, gold, diamond precious stones, family treasure,
documents etc. Mobutu Sese Seko of Zaire, Foday Sankoh of Siera Leone.
etc. All these people have hundreds of consignments deposited with
STANDARD SECURITIES. Their foreign partners, friends and relatives, are
claiming most of these consignments. A lot of them are lying here
unclaimed for as much as 15 yrs. No body may ever come for them because in
most cases, the documents of deposit are never available to any body
except the depositors most of them dead.
Since the inception of the 2000 millennium, STANDARD SECURITIES
MANAGEMENT changed the procedure of claims of consignments. As soon as you
able to produce all the secret information as contained in the secret
file of any consignment, it will be released to you upon demand.
>From our record, more than 120 consignments belonging to Mobutu Sese
Seko /Foday Sankoh, have been claimed in the past six months. This is why
I am soliciting for your co-operation and assistance. Mobutu Sese Seko
has 85 consignments deposited with several names and codes. 35 have
been claimed in the past six months.
I have finished every arrangement for you to come and claim consignment
NO.988 containing USD 20M. My duty is to supply you with all the
information and documents by fax. You will deal directly with the
The procedure is simple:You will apply officially to the Director of
Operations of STANDARD SECURITIES for the release of consignment No. 988.
They will demand for some documents and secret codes. which I will
supply you with every detailed information as soon as you confirm the
reception of this proposal.
In your reply, include your private telephone number so that I can call you
for further explanation and directives on the procedure. This is my
alternative e-mail address for keeps [EMAIL PROTECTED]

God Bless You.
Sincerely Yours,
David Lamptey.

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