Le mardi 16 août 2022, 13:37:39 UTC Axel Beckert a écrit :

I have just reinstanced the sliding windows on master.

could you please check why autotest fail

BTW I am really supprised that test are not run at build time

> Hi Bastien,
> Bastien Roucariès wrote:
> > I will restep to be a lintian maint.
> Yay, thanks! Much appreciated.
> You're still in the "lintian" group of Salsa, so you should be still
> able to commit to the repo.
> > Could you please prepare a list of urgent action ?
> Usually, if I consider a lintian bug to be urgent-ish, I bumped its
> severity to important. (And you bumped one to serious already, too.
> :-) So anything RC or "important" on
> https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/pkgreport.cgi?src=lintian;dist=unstable
> is what we should focus on first, if possible. Those marked confirmed
> are those I already looked at closer:
> * #993613
> * #1014083
> * #1014162
> Then there are two other topics I have a focus on, because I think,
> they're important for all of us, because they're annoying:
> * False Positives:
> https://udd.debian.org/cgi-bin/bts-usertags.cgi?user=lintian-maint%40debian
> .org&tag=false-positive
> * Automatically migrating non-bracketed lintian overrides to bracketed
>   ones. I started here, but it's mostly lacking migration regexp
>   mappings for the hundreds of tags being affected:
> https://salsa.debian.org/lintian/lintian/-/blob/migrate-overrides/bin/linti
> an-migrate-overrides-to-pointed-hints
>   Note that this is currently only inside a feature branch which is
>   not yet merged as it is far from helpful yet.
>   This is actually my fix for https://bugs.debian.org/1007002
> Oh, and one more thing: I want to adhere to Semantic Versioning — the
> real one (https://semver.org/), not the one which Felix called
> "Semantic Versioning" despite it wasn't Semantic Versioning.
> So the versioning from now on will be BREAK.FEATURE.BUGFIX:
> * Changing configuration semantic or syntax or exit codes will be a BREAK.
> * Adding new tags will be a FEATURE.
> * No functional changes except bug fixes will be a BUGFIX.
> * Pure documentation or build-system changes will be a BUGFIX, too.
> And probably also:
> * Renaming tags will be a BREAK. (Feel free to discuss if you
>   disagree. :-))
> Not yet sure about:
> * Will be removing a tag a BREAK, too?
> P.S.: Yeah, there was a bit of silence (despite not complete silence)
> from me on lintian, but that was mostly due to holidays (in which was
> way less online that I expected), some pre-holiday and some
> post-holidays stress. And also because of RC bugs in some of my other
> similarily important packages. Expect some more activity on Lintian
> towards to next weekend. :-)
>               Regards, Axel

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